Sunday, March 22, 2009
Things You Should Know About Me
You should know that the last birthday I celebrated was my thirtieth. Admittedly, as the months crept closer and closer to B-Day, I was completely, totally, absolutely, certifiably terrified because OMG, 30 is all old and shit. But. If I'm being honest here, I'm really, really, really, truly, madly, deeply loving 30 thus far.

See, here's the thing... the thing is that I know who I am now. That's the thing. Like, I really k-n-o-w and accept who I am, and more importantly, I like who I am. There's always room for improvement, of course, hence Jillian Michaels coming into my life, but, I'm happy 93% of the time, and I'm content 100% of the time. Okay, maybe 99% of the time, but 99 is still a real good number.

I do worry that I'm no longer allowed to think that John Travolta looked good in Grease? High school student? Yes or no?

As I may mention them from time to time, you should note that I am married with two children. I met my husband, Tim, during our senior year of high school and seven short years later, he proposed. We married in 2004; we'll be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this May. As adorable as that might sound (and as adorable as it sometimes is) we have our marital troubles just like everyone else, but we're still on twelve years strong now. We got pregnant with our first child, a son, just six months after our wedding. Nathan arrived in the summer of 2005, and his brother, Matthew, followed in the summer of 2007. Two cats and a dog complete our little family.

I make up new words, you should know. Well, I don't so much create new words, I more or less combine existing words (synonyms, mostly) to form new words (primarily adjectives). It's so easy and fun! And, beware: they can be catchy.

I LOVE mini's. Like, the miniature version of just about anything --- toiletries, notebooks, candies, juices, spoons, cups, cards, literally anything that is a smaller version of the real thing. The exception here would be diamonds. And um, well... you know. And if you don't know, bless your innocent little heart.

I love music. Classic Rock, Alternative, Blues, Jazz, 80s hair bands. Country. We have music on at our house I prefer music to TV as background noise. I have dinner music, workout music, cleaning music, rainy day music and summertime music... I just love music.

Having said that, you should assume that if it's new, current or "now", I do not know about it. This applies to music, movies, books, fashion... pretty much anything aside from Reality TV. The awesome part? I don't give a tiny rat's ass. I don’t care if I’m “cool”. Because I’m 30 now. And I am sooooo cool.

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